- 申请租用巴生福建会馆大礼堂或其他场地,必须填具指定之表格,表格可在办公时间向本会馆秘书处索取。
- 本会馆会长或负责小组有权拒绝任何申请,且不必给予任何理由。
- 租用场地之抵押金及订金必须随同申请表格一起缴交。(场地及其他设备租金请参阅租金价格表)
- 场地租用逾时将额外加租,若当天租用时段以外的时间礼堂已出租于他人,租户不允许加租。
- 使用冷气设备, 另计费用。
- 上述抵押金及订金务须在申请批准时全部缴清。
- 租户须在租用日期的14天前缴清全部租金及其他费用,有关租约方为有效,否则本会有权取消租约及没收抵押金。
- 如租户在使用期90天之前取消租约,本会馆有权没收抵押金,只将依据收据正本退还其他收费。
- 如租户在使用期90天之内取消租约,本会馆有权没收全部租金及抵押金,只将依据收据正本退还冷气费。
- 除了以上任何情况, 倘若本会馆自行取消租约,上述缴费(免息)将依据收据正本悉数奉还, 并无其他赔偿。
- 每场租用时间:早上7时至下午3时; 或下午3时至晚上11时。
- 租户不可将所租用场所转借予他人使用。
- 租户必须在租用礼堂后的2个月内,携同抵押金单据前来取回抵押金,否则一旦期满,有关抵押金将成为租户自愿捐给会馆的捐献金。
- 租户必须选及租用由本会馆指定的灯光音响 (包括 LED 屏幕 ) 系统配套。
- 如果大马唱片播放版权有限公司 (PPM)征收音乐版权费,租户需自行负责一切有关费用。
- Application for permission to use the Klang Hokkien Association’s premises, including the Auditorium Hall, Seminar Hall, Guests Lobby, Guests Room etc, must be made on the prescribed form, obtainable from the Association’s Secretariat during office hours.
- The Association reserves the right to reject any application without having to assign any reasons.
The Tenant shall have to abide by the following rules and regulations.
- Security deposits and down payments for renting of hall or premises must be paid at the time of submission of the rental application form. ( Please refer to the Schedule of Rental Rates for further information ).
- Additional rental shall be charged on hourly rate basis for any extended usage of the hall or premises beyond the original rental duration. However, if the extension of time requested by the Tenant coincides with another party’s booking for that hall or premises, then the Tenant shall not be allowed to extend his rental duration.
- The Tenant shall have to pay separate charges for air conditioning usage.
- Upon confirmation of renting the hall or premises, all security deposits and down payments must be paid in full by the Tenant to the Association immediately.
- The Tenant must pay in full the rental and all other charges not later than 14 days before the day of usage of the hall or premises. The Association reserves the full rights to cancel the rental contract if the rental or charges are not paid in full as required. In which case, all security deposits and part payment shall be forfeited by the Association.
- If the Tenant cancels the booking 90 days before the agreed intended usage date, the Association reserves the right to forfeit the security deposits and refund the other payments, free of interest, but subject to production of original receipts by the Tenant.
- If the Tenant cancels the rental contract within the 90 days from the agreed usage date, the Association reserves the right to forfeit all rental and security deposits, and refund the payment for air conditioning charges only.
- In the event of termination of any rental contract by the Association other than under any of the above circumstances, all the above payments will be refunded in full free of interest, and without any compensation, but subject to the production of original receipts by the Tenant.
- Rental Time for each session : 7:00AM to 3:00PM or 3:00PM to 11:00PM
- The Tenant has no right what so ever to sub-let the hall or premises mentioned herein above to any third party.
- Within 2 months after usage of the hall or premises, the Tenant must bring along the original receipts to obtain refund of the deposits, failing which, the deposits shall be considered as the Tenant’s voluntary donation to the Association.
- The Tenant must also select and rent from the Association’s specified Sound and Lighting ( Including LED Screen ) System packages.
- In the event PPM imposes royalty charges for reproduction of songs or music by the Tenant at his function, the Tenant shall be fully responsible for all such charges.
- 在本会馆建筑内严禁抽烟。
- 租户必须在租用时间终止后一小时内, 搬空会馆建筑 (包括林笃水大礼堂/讲堂/迎宾厅/贵宾室) 内一切由租户所安排进入之物件, 否则本会馆有权根据加时收费率征收租金。
- 租户必须照顾所租用的场地之卫生清洁,并于用后清理干净。
- 本会馆不承担如停电或其他非本会馆所能控制之风险与责任。
- 本会馆有权给予90天通知取消租约,会馆无须给任何理由, 而租户无权反对或要求赔偿损失。
- 租户须赔偿在租用期间一切损坏本会馆设备及财务之损失。
- 租户须负责公众安全, 本会馆将不承担任何在使用期间的人身伤亡或意外事件的责任。
- 本会馆严禁在本会馆范围内进行任何不良或违法的活动。
- 如有必要, 租户须和警方安排保安措施,并将警方准证副本在使用所租场所2小时之前交予本会馆秘书处/负责人。
- 本会馆有权提出要求租户出示订租收据。
- 凡租用本会馆场地, 所有桌椅和地毯必须向本会馆租用,不敷时方得向外租借。
- 本会馆桌椅只可在本会馆内应用,不得外借。
- 凡租本会馆林笃水大礼堂者, 必须选及租用由本会馆指定的灯光音响 ( 包括 LED 屏幕 )系统配套。
- 凡租用本会馆林笃水大礼堂举办宴会,席位只限摆设在大礼堂内。
- 租户若欲布置会馆场地,尤其是林笃水大礼堂, 必须先获得本会馆秘书处允准, 方可进行。同时,严禁钉打门、木板, 墙壁和天花板。本会馆有权阻止或下令停止违反此条规的布置工程 。
- 本会馆提供停车场予租户,惟租户和其宾客都得自付停车收费。此外,停车场内的交通工具如有遗失或损坏,本会馆一概不负责。
- 本会馆指定之负责人,可随时进入有关场地视察,租户不得阻止。
- 连续租用两天以上者,本会馆可考虑给与特别优惠。
- 租用时间至午夜11时正结束,晚上11时30分必须停止一切噪音,午夜12时前所有人包括租户、贵宾、餐食承包人员, 场地布置人员等都必须离开本会馆范围。会馆大门将于午夜12时关闭。
- 本会馆大门口之处不准泊车。
- Smoking is strictly prohibited inside any part of the Association’s building at all time.
- The Tenant must remove all goods and items brought or cause to be brought into the rented premises by the Tenant and also to vacate from the rented premises within 1 hour after the expiry of rental duration, otherwise the Tenant shall be liable to pay additional rental charges based on hourly rate.
- The Tenant must take care of the hygiene and cleanliness of the rented premises and clean the same immediately after usage.
- The Association shall not be responsible for the risk of any electricity/power failure and any other event which is beyond the Association’s control.
- The Association reserves the right to cancel the rental contract by giving 90 days notice without assigning any reason and the Tenant shall have no right to object to such cancellation or demand for any compensation from the Association.
- The Tenant shall be fully responsible for all damages to any part of the Association’s premises or assets during the rental duration.
- Tenant is solely responsible for the public safety. The Association shall not be responsible for any personal injury or death or other accident occurred during the rental duration.
- The Association prohibits strictly all kinds of unhealthy and illegal activity from being carried out within the Association’s premises during the rental duration.
- The Tenant may arrange security protection with the police if needed by the Tenant and a copy of the police’s permit be forwarded to the Association’s Secretariat or authorized person not later than 2 hours before commencement of usage of the rented premises.
- Tenant shall have to produce the premises rental receipt if requested by the Association’s authorized personnel.
- For renting of the Auditorium Hall for a dinner function, the Tenant must rent the tables, chairs, carpets and other furniture from the Association. The Tenant may only rent any of the above items from outside sources if the Association does not have the required quantities.
- All the furniture rented from the Association shall only be is for usage in the Association’s premises only.
- The Tenant is also bound to select and rent one of the Sound and Lighting ( including LED Screen ) System packages specified by the Association.
- For any dinner function, all tables, chairs, furniture and fitting must be placed within the vicinity of the Association’s Auditorium Hall only. No table or chair is allowed to be placed outside the Auditorium Hall.
- The Tenant must request for the permission from the Association’s Secretariat before carrying out any decoration in the rented premises, in particular the Auditorium Hall. Nailing on any part of the Association’s building, including doors, wooden panels, walls and ceilings, is strictly prohibited. The Association reserves the full rights to stop any decoration work which is being carried out without the Association’s permission or is done against this present rule.
- The Tenant is allowed the usage of the Association’s car park. However, the Tenant and his guests shall have to pay the relevant parking fees. Besides, the Association shall not be responsible for any damage to or loss of any motor vehicle while parking in the car park.
- The Association’s authorized personal shall have the full rights to enter into the rented premises to inspect the rented premises during the function for inspection purposes. The Tenant shall have no right to prevent or stop him from doing his inspection work.
- For any Tenant who wishes to rent continuously for more than 2 days, special rates may be considered by the Association.
- The duration for each night rental is until 11:00 p.m. All activities which may create loud noises must cease by 11:30 p.m. All people including the Tenant, his guests, dinner caterers, hall decorators must leave the hall before 12:00 midnight. The Association’s exist gate(s) shall be locked at 12.00 pm.
- The main entrance area of Auditorium Hall is strictly not allowed for parking purpose.